About 6 months ago I discovered the website readitswapit which allows its users to swap books they've read for books they want to read. Once I'd finished my degree I had a lot of books that I'd never read again and even a few I never wanted to see again! I also had a load just lying around so I decided to upload them to the site and soon I started receiving.

I love the concept of this not only because it's basically free (apart from the cost of postage for the book you send), but also because it's about book lovers sharing books. I have been on a drive to implement eco-friendly and consumer-alternative aspects into my life for a while now and this is one way that I find does that. It is recycling in the best possible way and it also means that I don't accumulate more as I can only receive a book for everyone that I swap. If you haven't got online and set up an account yet I highly encourage you to do so. You might just discover your next favourite book.
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