Saturday, 3 May 2014

Free Books from Mills & Boon

Earlier this year I was very lucky to have felt a little nostalgia for the days that I volunteered in a local charity shop. This led me to think about all the older women who used to come in and donate and then buy M&B novels in bulk! With this in mind I wondered over to their website out of curiosity and stumbled across their book club. This has now been re-vamped into a subscription package where you sign up to receive a certain amount of books every month. When I was on their website they had an offer whereby you got two introductory books for free! They offer several categories in which you can pick from including, Modern, Cherish, Intrigue, Medical, Historical, Desire, Nocturne, MIRA, Modern Tempted and Heartwarming. It seemed that the collections had expanded since I was last familiar with M&B. However, most of them are self-explanatory, but there was one that caught my eye in particular. MIRA is explained as being 'relationship and romance to dramatic thrillers'. This is the collection that intrigued me the most and these are the two books that I received.

This is a story set in 1919 during the aftermath of the First World War. I don't know much else about this book but I'm sure that I have read the blurb in the past. The protagonist is named Margot and she is very dissatisfied with her engagement and finds love elsewhere. That is really the extent of my knowledge when it comes to this novel, but I am looking forward to the 'thriller' aspect of it. 

I have to admit that I was a little disappointed when I saw this one. It looks to me to be very similar to Phillipa Greggory novels and I have tried before to read her books and even gave the TV series White Queen a go, but found myself getting bored. Perhaps it's that I'm just too aware that these books are based on real events and I can't quite suspend my disbelief because of that. The truth is that I struggle with the idea of romantacised history. This particular novel is set around Katherine de Valois who is the wife of Henry V. I find it very difficult to believe that there could be some genuine love in this books as we all know that marriages between royals were more about politics than passion. I feel as though I should give this book a chance as I've enjoyed historical romances in the past. I can, however, say that this one is not at the top of my TBR list. 

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