Wednesday, 17 December 2014

December TBR | 2014

Alarmingly, we are already two week into December and I have only completed two books! I do however, have some leave from work coming up soon and so I’ve gathered a pile of books that I’m hoping to read over that time. I may not get to all of them, but I like having these goals, which will hopefully spur me on.

The first book that I plan to read is actually one that I have started and need to finish and that book is the next book in the Gossip Girl series. I love to read these books as a nice relaxing read. They’re short and funny with an interesting mix of characters and they make me feel happy that I’m no longer 18 which is a nice positive feeling to go into the New Year with. 

The second book that I want to read after that is the second book in the Saga graphic novel series, closely followed by the third book. I am hoping that I can just get both of these read in one of the days I have off. I devoured the first one, which I read earlier this year and loved it and so am looking forward to seeing how the story continues.

I also have another graphic novel that I have borrowed from the library and that is Ghost World. All that I know about this book is that it is a coming-of-age story based around two teenagers and that apparently the film version is terrible. I am looking forward to finding out what it is all about.
I have also checked out of a Hawkeye graphic novel that in all honesty I know next to nothing about. All I know is that in the Avengers film I felt that he was massively underrated and I, for one, was interested to know more.

I also have two graphic novels that until recently I did not know existed, but am thrilled to have in my possession. These novels are both based on TV series that I loved when I was younger and still enjoy now as an adult. They are Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8: Volume 1 and Angel: After the Fall. Both books are set at the end of their respective series and were overseen by Joss Whedon who created the original TV series. This basically means that the stories continue and as fan I couldn’t care less that this happens to be in the form of a graphic novel. It does, however, mean that I have to stay true to the time frame of the shows and read Buffy first. I don’t mind too much.

I also want to read a book that I have neglected to finish this year which is Lollipop Shoes by Joanne Harris, the sequel to her Chocolat. I loved Chocolat and all its wonderful magical realism and so was full of excitement when I received this book. However, I am about 100 pages in and it is seems to be missing the spark that I loved about the first book which has prevented me from picking it back up. Not to mention the book is quite the brick with around 600 pages. I am hoping that cold weather, tea and watching the film of the first books will reinvigorate me.

The final book that I want to complete over this period is the final instalment of the Consequences Trilogy: Convicted. I absolutely loved the previous two books and was especially touched by the first one. I think that part of my hesitation is that it is the concluding novel and so would mean that the series is over. There are some alternative point of view books that have come out, but I need to finish the actual series first!

So there are all of the books that I am hoping to get to over the next two weeks. We’ll see how I did in December Wrap Up.

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