Sunday, 27 April 2014

Self-imposed Proscribed Reading?

A couple of weeks ago I got overly excited about what I was going to read during these past two weeks as it's the school Easter Holidays and I had a little more time in my hands than I usually do... at least I thought I did. I had a lot of catching up to do with friends and family during this time and spent 10 days without my computer during that time and so although I was buying books I wasn't writing about them. 

I have a fair few unread books and so I have been using my book jar to work my way through them. Usually when I do this it is just one at a time, but I had to plan to take books away with me on a recent trip to Sheffield and so I picked out a few more than normal. However, a couple that I had initally picked out I couldn't find and so picked more, plus I didn't read as much as I had imagined I would. Now I have titles picked out that I haven't read. This leads me to a little bit of a dilemma. Do I now have those book as the ones that I will read next or do I put them back into the book jar and move along as usual?

One of the things that I just couldn't get on with at university was the prescribed nature of the reading list. I basically knew what I had to read for the 9 months of classes until the summer and even then I was expected to use the summer to read my next semester's load of books. I understand that I did something similar with the book jar in that I read the book that I have picked out, but as I say that is usually very short term and it is only when I am overwhelmed by choice. As I have recently begun a bit of a Jane Austen binge in all mediums but books and am taking part in a World Book Night Book Swap, I feel as though I would be ploughing my way through whatever has been written on the slip of paper when really I am longing to read Pride and Prejudice. With this in mind I think that the best option is for me to put the books back in the running and read whatever takes my fancy right now.

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