Monday, 28 April 2014

World Book Night 2014

As any book connoisseur will know it was World Book Night last Wednesday and as part of a personal challenge to implement ten traditions in the next 12 months, my partner and I started what we hope will be our annual World Book Night Book Swap.

The aim with the book swap is to share our love of a book that we have read and loved in the past year and get the other person to read it within that month. In the future we are hoping that our choices will be a secret until they are presented on that day, but this year excitement got the better of me and we told each other long before the day.

My choice for him was Aldous Huxley's Brave New World which I read last year for a university module. I bought him Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood for his birthday last month and he loved the dystopian genre which really sealed my choice.

His choice for me was the Russian classic The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. The inspiration behind this choice was that he is a great lover of Russian literature and this is one that he has enjoyed most recently. I am very excited to read my first piece of Russian fiction and look forward to reading one of the classics. We will do reviews for both of these books closer to the end of the month when we have both completed them.

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