So now I am the proud owner of about 15 Sabrina novels, none of them consecutive. I don't really mind this much as I have watched the whole of the show and am treating the books like bonus episodes from several different seasons.
This is the very first one in the series and a book that I was aware I wasn't going to love. As a novelisation of of the TV series and of course the original movie, the book could only be a retelling of a story I already new quite well.
One of the problems that I had with the book was that it was like watching an episode, in fact the first three, only in slow motion as events were taking place much slower because I was reading. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but I think that I was very aware that this is in fact a novelisation and not an original story or material in it's own right. If I'm perfectly honest I found it to be a little boring.
Having said that, the tone of the TV show came across in the book as did all of the humour. All of the characters sounded and acted very much like their TV counterparts and stories flowed quite well from one to the other. I accept this book for what it is and look forward to reading some of the others in the future.
Rating: ★★
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