Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Moneyless Man by Mark Boyle

The Moneyless ManHave you ever heard the saying 'money makes the world go round'? A lot of people in our society have probably not only heard it, but are evangelical believers. The truth is that my personal experience of modern day society is that money has become the dominant means of communication, relationships and security. Many people might be thinking that's just how it is, but back in 2008 ex-businessman Mark Boyle decided to challenge that idea and give up money for a year. This book is part memoir and part 'how-to' and follows his journey through the trials and tribulations of moneyless living. 

The truth is that the necessity of money is something that I have become endlessly fascinated with and ever since I can across Boyle's project several months ago, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Many people seem to be on board with the idea of slowing down and relying on money a bit less for the sake of necessity, but the idea that money is a completely arbitrary concept was like a revelation to me.

Throughout his year Boyle not only put on healthy weight, went on a trip to Ireland, attend several festivals and managed to throw two parties! If this isn't proof that we don't need money to live and have a good time then I don't know what it. I have taken on board several ideas from this book such as foraging and skill-sharing and was renewed with passion for a more frugal living having read this book.

Boyle has carried on his moneyless life and offers a range of free resources on his website here. Anyone wanting to slow down and pull out of consumerist living even a little should pick up this book. It was truly an inspiration.


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